Sunday, November 29, 2009


walao!宫心计完美大结局。。。kirby看了,觉得德妃刘三好真的很伟大!至于丽妃姚金铃为了利益,连自己的好姐妹都出卖!!(可恶ing。。。)这个故事告诉我们不要做坏事,到头来老天会来带你走的!三好最后也和高大人相认了。。。(感动ing。。。)王上最后也让三好离开。。。(伟大ing...)院司珍也和锺尚宫和好了!(真相大白ing。。。)而院司珍和万将军也找回了儿子!(欣慰ing。。。)最后。。。那个金铃也被送去tanjung rambutan 了。。。(太好了!ing。。。)
kirby在此劝大家,千万不要做坏事,因为会被送去tanjung rambutan!!!(白痴ing。。。)宫心计是一个很好的故事,让kirby也拍手叫好!!故事里的人们也打扮得光鲜,简直是豪华版古装片!最喜欢的角色是三好。(美丽ing。。。)^^

Friday, November 27, 2009

大家好!!我是kirby!!!欢迎来到我的梦幻乐园--MiLkY MaY WiShErS。酷吧?我喜欢吃蛋糕,但遇到敌人时我会把它一口吃进肚里!!万一敌人拥有不同的power,我也会拥有喔!!是不是很厉害?变变变!!我有很多很多朋友的喔!你要不要认识?假期真的很闷。。。身为无所事事的我是没-事-做型的。唉。。。

Sunday, November 1, 2009

the day after tomorrow

the day after tomorrow
i will sit on the large,green field
and see
the birds
fly in the sky
the day after tomorrow
i will sleep on my bed
and hear the sound
of rain
the day after tomorrow
i will play
beside the wooden house
with my doggy
the day after tomorrow
how i know?

the most 'zadao'

walao A......
after exam so xian......
so wat can i do?
oh i know....hehehe....
i open my computer ,
and go to my blog...
write many many zadao things....
how zadao?
right now lo!
zadao leh......